Based on very simple indications given by the user, such as the depth, measured along the ultrasonic beam, and the maximum velocity to be measured, UDOP software computes most operating parameters automatically.
Tedious manual settings can therefore be avoided. Of course, advanced users can still fine-tune all ultrasonic parameters and bypass this automatic mode. A quality factor, which defines a compromize between the signal-to-noise ratio and the acquisition rate of profile offers an easy toll to find optimum.
The emiting and reception settings can be fine tuned and all the values used to compute the Doppler frequency such as the PRF, the number of emisions per profile give the user a total control on the ultrasonic parameters.
By using calibrated values of the sound velocities and the Doppler angle, the module of real velocity vectors are instantaneously displayed on the screen.
We have developed many algorithms to extract, from echo signals, informations other than the velocity profile.
Moreover UDOP can display simultaneously more than one type of information, such as the velocity profiles and the echo profile.
All displayed profiles are included in the recorded data file for futher use.
Each channel is linked to a single transducer and each channel in UDOP has its own set of parameters. Therefore, each channel is independant.
By using the internal multiplexer of the velocimeter (depends on models) it is possible to reconstruct flow patterns and/or follow the evolution in real time of a flow field.
All displayed curves can be smoothed by applying a moving average or a mediane filter.
Moreover the filtering parameters can defined for these filters, allowing for instance to display the average value.
UDOP continuously acquire and record in its internal memory profiles. When the internal memory is full, the odlest profiles are ereased and replaced by new ones, or the acquisition is stopped. Moreover the user can stop at any time the acquisition process and record a selected portion of the available profiles. The size of the internal memory is freely defined.
All binary data files can be read and replayed in UDOP. In replay mode, you can navigate in the file and visualize slowly a filtered portion of the measured profiles.
UDOP can extract specific information from a binary data file and compare similar type of data on a single graph.
UDOP saves all the functionning parameters and settings in a file when the application is closed. A description can be added to easily select a setting for further use.
The functionning parameters can also be recovered from a binary file.
UDOP can start the acquisition of profiles after some specific events. Such events can be a key pressed on the PC or a logic state found at the external trigger connector of the instrument.
Moreover an automatic recording procedure can be used.
UDOP can measure 2D or 3D velocity profiles. Special algorithms have been developed to record in every measured gates the 2D or 3D velocity information.