

We're here to help

Do you need help?

We offer many ways to assist you and help you.

We offer many ways to assist you and help you.

Videos tutorials

We offer a number of videos that explain the use of the velocimeter and some of their advanced features.

Videos tutorials

We offer a number of videos that explain the use of the velocimeter and some of their advanced features.

Application notes

These applications notes are intended to help you to have a better understanding on ultrasonic Doppler technique and to guide you to use some specific tools available in our velocimeters and in UDOP software.

US data tables

You will find useful physical ultrasonic data values, such as the sound velocity and the acoustic impedance for different liquids and materials


Download the latest software version of UDOP and other useful software and/or documents…


Download the latest software version of UDOP and other useful software and/or documents…

Current price list

Current price list

